British Columbia EV Owners Avoid Gas Shortages
The recent severe weather storms that pounded the Pacific Northwest hit British Columbia especially hard. Roads and infrastructure connecting the region to the rest of Canada and the US were destroyed, resulting in the southwest British Columbia region deciding to put restrictions on the amount (30 liters) of gas people can buy. This is reminiscent […]
Throwing Shade At The Beaver Moon
In the solar industry, we pay a lot of attention to shade. Sometimes people want to add solar to their home but we have to give “The Shade Talk” because their roof is too heavily shaded by trees, terrain or other buildings and solar just isn’t viable … Well, tonight, starting at 10:02 PM until […]
A 67-Year-Old Energy War
The US invented the first solar panel back at the Bell Labs in 1954, but over time, has let the manufacturing slip away to foreign interests, (China, Japan, South Korea) who recognized and embraced the opportunity to dominate an emerging industry. In fact, China offers government-backed financing and low interest rates for local factories which […]
The Stability We All Depend Upon Is Breaking
Sir David Attenborough spoke with the world’s leaders at the COP26 Climate Summit in Scotland to remind them there is still time to “turn tragedy into triumph” and there is one measure to pay attention to, the concentration of carbon in our atmosphere … #togetherforourplanet, #COP26, #SirDavidAttenborough, #ClimateCrisis