A Balanced Approach To Siting Solar Installations

Finding Win-Win Scenarios In May, 2021, we wrote how some solar installations are not welcomed because of their location. This issue is being revisited during this years Legislative session in HB 1812, Modernizing the energy facility site evaluation council to meet the state’s clean energy goals and in HB1871, Establishing a moratorium on the siting […]

Threats To California Solar

The Golden State would be the world’s fifth largest economy if it were a sovereign state so decisions there have a ripple effect to other communities in the US. California’s Public Utilities Commission, (CPUC) is considering policies that would have a significant dampening effect on the growth of solar and energy storage in that state. […]

2022 Solar Incentives

We like to keep people updated regarding the various solar incentives as they do change over time and 2022 includes a scheduled change as well as the possibility of significant changes to Federal incentives. We’ll start off focusing on the known incentives and then discuss some of the potential changes we may see if the […]

One Man’s Greed Versus Something Benefiting The Whole Planet

Senator Manchin is facing an unexpected source of opposition to his position against the Build Back Better legislation, the United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) and the West Virginia A.F.L.-C.I.O. Both labor organizations and his constituents recognize that coal has passed it’s time and that clean energy is the future, yet Manchin continues to position […]

Don’t Look Up

Produced by Netflix, Don’t Look Up is a dark humor movie mirroring current events, like the Climate Crisis and the pandemic. It highlights the troubled times we live in with disinformation campaigns, denial about scientific facts, divisive politics and greedy entrepreneurs. The timeliness of the movie given the current standstills that threaten the Biden administration’s […]