Legislation is being crafted in Olympia that will create a new solar incentive program that will replace the one that we have now. Existing solar customers will continue with the current program and a new program will be available for new solar customers, hopefully sometime in 2016. It is vital that our state senators and representatives hear from constituents who are in favor of continued state sponsorship of renewable energy in general, and solar in particular. Below is some suggested language that you can use in an email, letter, or phone call to your elected state officials. Please let them know that you support solar energy for Washington State.
Dear (legislator),
Solar energy has been called ‘the cleanest energy imaginable’ and is an increasingly important energy resource for our state, especially as we consider ways to grow the economy and reduce carbon emissions. In 2005 the Renewable Energy Cost Recovery program was created to that end and it has been a success, creating hundreds of jobs while adding 40 megawatts of solar generation to the electric grid.
These incentives are being redesigned and renewed with the goal of reducing the cost to state taxpayers while still encouraging further adoption of this technology.
I urge you to pass sensible legislation that will accomplish these goals; it is a win-win for our state’s economy and ecology.
You can find your legislator’s contact information by clicking on the map – http://app.leg.wa.gov/DistrictFinder/