Solar Incentives in the Balance

As our State Legislature completes their work on the budget this weekend, we are holding out hope for a continued solar incentive program that will cost less but still be attractive.
Happy Solstice!
The sun reached its peak time in the ‘air’ today, and if we look back on what has been achieved in the last 12 months, I would say that we are making progress…
Solar Needs Your Help

The budget-makers in the Washington State Legislature need to hear from their constituents that increasing solar energy is a priority. Stakeholders have been working on a new solar incentive program that will cost less and still be attractive…
Free Solar Energy System for Highland Park Improvement Club

Puget Sound Solar and Artisan Electric have donated a 4.4kW PV system and installation labor to the Highland Park Improvement Club as part of the Solarize Seattle: Southwest program…