The campaign to pass Initiative 1631 has begun; volunteers and paid gatherers exceeded expectations by bringing in petitions with 377,000 signatures to get the initiative on the ballot this November. The challenge now is to beat back the efforts of fossil fuel industries who will try to prevent Washington voters from taking control of their carbon emissions.
As the world experiences the fourth year in a row of record heat, violent storms, and withering drought, it is imperative that we act now to get on the path to reduce atmospheric carbon.
Initiative 1631 will:
- Protect our communities’ health and leave a better future for our kids;
- Invest in clean energy, like wind and solar, as well as healthy forests, and clean air and water;
- Create thousands of local jobs in our communities across the state while cutting pollution; and
- Establish a fee on the largest corporate polluters, to make sure we are all doing our fair share to protect our state.
The campaign needs volunteers to reach out to every voter in the state with the appeal to vote YES on 1631. You can start now by joining thousands of Washingtonians working to pass I-1631. Find a doorknocking or phone-banking event near you!