Great People: Cole Pasichnyk, solar veteran, and Gus Friedman, solar veteran in the making, shown here installing a SolaCharge station at the Yelm Community Center.
Great Ideas: Puget Sound Solar developed this concept for the City of Yelm to charge electric cars and demonstrate solar power technology. This combination of dual charging stations and a single 325 watt solar panel will generate enough power in a year to run an electric car 1,100 miles, thereby reducing the cost of the service to Yelm so that they can offer free charging.
The idea is that most of the time this charging station will not be charging cars, but every day it will be producing power that is fed into the Community Center’s electric service, offsetting some, or maybe all of the electricity used by cars that plug in.
Are you thinking of adding solar power to your home, business, or other building? Give us a call and let us show you the possibilities. If you hire us, you can be sure that Great People like Cole and Gus will bring your project to completion on time and on budget. After your project is turned on, you can count on Puget Sound Solar to provide competent and prompt service should the need arise. We don’t know if other solar companies in the area have a service department, but we do know that their customers contact us from time to time when they can’t get a service call from their installing company.