No one in the race for President of the United States is putting climate disruption on the front burner like Jay Inslee, seen above at the dedication of the first public EV charging station installed at a church, in 2010. We have known Jay as a solid supporter of a green economy for many years, from his congressional seat to the governor’s chair. This has been a very challenging time for any politician who takes aim at fossil fuels in any way, and Gov. Inslee has done so on many occasions. We are seeing, however, a shift in public support in favor of the effort to quell climate change, and none of the other 13 candidates are as well poised to lead on this as Jay Inslee, seen below in 2008, in support of training for green jobs at Shoreline College.
Jay has so many of the attributes and experiences that you would want in a chief executive:
- Experience as a chief executive! Jay has served as governor of a state where the legislative houses are in the hands of opposing parties, and at a time when there was a major budget shortfall.
- Experience as a legislator. Jay’s term in the Washington State House and his terms in the US Congress provide a source of knowledge of and contact with legislative bodies and constituents at many levels
- Consistent messaging. His book, Apollo’s Fire, published in 2007 gives you a glimpse into his thinking that has become refined over time, but maintains the same level of urgency around the notion that we can prosper in an economy as it frees itself from fossil fuels.
- Experience with foreign policy. As a U.S. Representative and as Governor of a state with major trade routes, Inslee has a history from which he can draw lessons on how best to conduct foreign affairs.
Let’s get behind our Governor as he puts climate at the top of the list on the national stage!
Jay, Trudi and family, thank you for stepping into the vortex of national politics with all the challenges that are contained therein. You have our support as you call the entire country to a higher level of thinking, one that is based on science and sound economics.