The 2019 NW SolarFest was a blast even though solar was challenged by some lingering cloud cover. 

Puget Sound Solar sponsored KidZone where children could build get a free solar race car or grasshopper by signing an Energy pledge, build a birdhouse, fire boats, tool boxes or yo-yo’s (courtesy of Home Depot).  We brought our solar race car track, however the lack of direct sunlight made races, well, a challenge.

We met a lot of new folks and caught up with a lot of friends. 

There were lots of critters … including goats and llama’s from Earthcraft Services.

Non-profit solar advocacy champion Solar Washington was there to provide non-biased information to the public including President Dean Van Vleet, Executive Director Patrick Nugent and several volunteer members like Tom Kleinecke. Check out their website to find out when the next general meeting is scheduled. They also coordinate the Solar Summit each year where manufacturers, installers, utilities, municipalities, legislators/policy makers, educators, students, tribal members, advocacy organizations/nonprofits, distributors, engineers, financial lenders, consultants and other solar-minded folks gather to find out what’s happening in the field.

Busy bee’s from Puget Sound Beekeepers!

Our Sales Manager, Julie Wilcox showing off her solar cooking apparatus and talking with Puget Sound Cooperative Credit Union’s Shannon Ellis-Brock and her husband Bert Ellis-Brock.

After a long day of standing and chatting with our old friends and some new ones, we were treated to a nice after-party with music by Kelly Van Camp.