Our installation crews returned to work today, (May 4th) for the first time in weeks.
The Puget Sound Solar Management team researched best practices from industry resources and reviewed them with each of our crews first thing this morning, while maintaining social distancing. (We’re staggering the starting/ending time for each of our crews to reduce warehouse congestion.)
In addition to personal protective gear like gloves and facemasks, our crews are also supplied with disinfectants. We modified water coolers dispensers so they are now used to dispense hot water for hand washing at each jobsite. We attached soap dispensers and have water catchment trays too. We plan on modifying and improving these practices based upon feedback from the crews as they redeploy for the first time since March.
Our crews are always focused on safety given the nature of their jobs, working with electrical equipment in high, potentially dangerous places, so they’re familiar with learning and using precautions.
Our office workers will for the most part continue to work remotely and if in the building, only one worker will be allowed in an office area for the day.
It was truly great to see the teams again today. We care about our co-workers and community and are excited to be able to safely return to work installing clean energy solutions that also make the planet a better and safer place for everyone.
#COVID19WorkPlace #SolarCoaster #SafetyFirstAlways #PSS20Years!