Puget Sound Solar installs solar photovoltaics, energy storage and electric vehicle charging stations as part of our effort to help out with the transition to a smarter, cleaner, interconnected electrical grid that will benefit current and future generations.
While it’s not perfect, we’re pleased to see the Energy Act of 2020 approved as it will provide investments into research and technology that will keep the US moving forward as a leader in energy innovations.
Driven in large part by the bipartisan team of Senator Maria Cantwell, D-Washington and Senator Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska with support from Senator Patty Murray, D-Washington and Representative Cathy McMorris-Rogers, R-Washington the legislation will provide investments in energy research and technology.
As noted in this Seattle Times editorial, some of the benefits to the Pacific Northwest will be building out the Smart Grid 2.0; Smart Buildings; Storage, Electric Vehicles and Microgrids and Grid Modernization.
These investments have already brought us smart meters, smart buildings with automated controls, microgrids and the ability to move from a centralized electrical grid to a decentralized one that is more resilient in predicting and managing the electrical grid in case of outages from natural or man-made emergencies.
We all benefit by doing things more efficiently and this is a great example of the government providing the financial leverage to build a smarter energy system.
The fact the Energy Act of 2020 had bipartisan support and passed is a strong signal that people from both parties in the House and Senate recognize the need for the US to resume a leadership position with energy and the environment that will also benefit our economy.