Produced by Netflix, Don’t Look Up is a dark humor movie mirroring current events, like the Climate Crisis and the pandemic. It highlights the troubled times we live in with disinformation campaigns, denial about scientific facts, divisive politics and greedy entrepreneurs.

The timeliness of the movie given the current standstills that threaten the Biden administration’s Build Back Better bill are ironic.

Pam Burton and Jeremy Smithson started Puget Sound Solar 21 years ago and our mission is “To Create and Enable the Energy Revolution with an Inspired and Innovative Team dedicated to ending fossil fuel emissions through excellence of Design, Installation, and Customer Service.”

Grab some popcorn and when you’re done with the movie, give us a call at 206-706-1931 or fill out our contact form and tell us about your project.

You can also sign onto a letter to your Congressional reprentative via the Solar Energy Industry Association letting them know you support the Build Back Better bill which can make a significant difference in the fight against the Climate Crisis.

You Make The Difference!