We hope you can make it out for this years Northwest Green Home Tour and stop by Pam and Jeremy’s home on Phinney Ridge. It’s one of our favorite days of the year as we get to meet people in person and showcase all the neat sustainability features on a 1908 Net Zero home. Their home is the first certified remodeled International Living Building Future home in Seattle and you can learn how they achieved this goal via energy efficiency and renewable energy. Additionally, there’s a bunch of other cool features on and in the house that you can check out with Pam and Jeremy there to answer your questions.
This year there are virtual and in-person versions of the Green Home Tour on Saturday May 14th.
The virtual tours are from 9AM to 11:30AM and the in-person tours are from 11AM to 5PM. Pam and Jeremy’s home is on the in-person tour. We are asking visitors to wear masks while touring inside the house and to use your discretion when checking out the outside features. You can preview tour sites!
You can get tickets on the NW Green Home Tour website. The price ranges from free to $25, giving you the ability to make a donation to support the tour.
The NW Green Home Tours is brought to you by the NW EcoBuilding Guild, an amazing non-profit working to advance building sciences through education and advocacy.