Help People Affected By Hurricane Ida

We’re watching and thinking about the people suffering in Louisiana from the impacts of another powerful hurricane. Severe weather events across the country this year, ice storms in Texas, wildfires and drought conditions up and down the west coast, the heat dome in the Pacific Northwest, floods in the Southwest and now another hurricane in […]

2021 NW Idea House

We’re excited to be part of the 2021 NW Idea House, a project in Woodinville showcasing the latest and greatest building technologies, including solar. The NW Idea House is the result of a partnership between Lochwood-Lozier Custom Homes Remodeling & Landscaping and 425 Magazine. There’s several charity components to the NW Idea House with Bellevue […]

Shining The Light On Solar’s Opponents

Solar has grown exponentially in the past decade with prices decreasing nearly 90%. It’s become the least-expensive form of new electrical generation. There are powerful forces opposing solar and clean renewable energy. A report released in June, 2021 by Environment America, the Frontier Group and U.S. PIRG’s Education Fund, shines a light on who is […]

You Can Help Make Solar Affordable For All

One of the important social justice issues facing the solar industry is making solar affordable for all economic groups. One mechanism which has helped solar’s growth since 2005 is the Investment Tax Credit however this only helps those who can benefit and wait for tax credits (currently 26%) – and that group skews toward the […]

Solar Comes In All Sizes, Shapes and Colors

Solar photovoltaics have come a long way since the Bell labs in 1954. People are finding all kinds of amazing applications and Soltech Energy in Sweden just installed a 646 kilowatt BIPV, (building integrated photovoltaics) on the side of a parking garage that also includes 300 electric vehicle charging stations. This installation highlights the many […]

Adding Storage To An Existing Project

One of our customers who went solar back in 2018 decided 2021 was a good time to upgrade the size of his solar PV system and he also had us install some energy storage too. In 2018, Jay started off with a 5.04kW system comprised of 14 Itek 360 watt panels paired with 14 Enphase […]

Maui Approaching 100% Renewable Power!

In just a few short years, the island of Maui rapidly shifted it’s energy profile toward renewable energy and it may hit a goal of providing 100% of it’s electricity via wind and solar by 2024. Until recently, the Hawaiian islands have been dependent upon burning imported fossil fuels resulting in some of the highest […]

Waiting For A Tesla PowerWall But Want Energy Storage Now?

If you put a deposit down for a Tesla PowerWall this year, you’re probably already aware Tesla is having issues fulfilling orders, in part due to the global supply shortage of semiconductor chips and because of the demand for batteries in the electric vehicles they manufacture. Some customers have stopped waiting on Tesla’s uncertain delivery […]

Shout Out To Seattle City Light’s Work To Mitigate Climate Crisis Risks

As Utilities across the country, prepare to address Climate Crisis risks to the electrical grid, one Utility stands out for their forward-thinking … Seattle City Light, also known as the Nation’s Greenest Utility. In 2015, the agency realized one impact of the Climate Crisis could be reduced precipitation in the mountains where they collect water […]