Check out the amazing photos, videos and statistics from this years Dixie fire compiled by the New York Times. More than $610 million has been spent on fighting this blaze since July and California has spent $1.1 billion on wildfires this year alone.
Look at the amount of resources allocated to just the Dixie fire. The numbers are staggering.
6,579 people combating the wildfire (at one time).
569 fire engines.
194 water trucks.
198 bulldozers.
78 helicopters.
77 planes.
1,174 miles of fire hose.
21 million gallons of flame retardant.
2.8 million acres burned in California alone.
We’re encouraging everyone to contact your elected leaders and tell them you support the Federal Infrastructure Bill as it targets ways to mitigate Climate Change. We are seeing more frequent and extreme weather events as the result of human activity. Just this year, we saw a polar vortex cripple Texas, Hurricane Ida pummel Louisiana through New York, wildfires across the west coast and the heat dome that killed hundreds in the Pacific Northwest.
Within the Infrastructure bill, there are incentives for Utilities to decarbonize their electricity and for consumers to shift to electric vehicles. Both would have a significant impact on the US’s carbon emissions.
Remember, You Make The Difference! Please contact your elected leaders.
#AmericanJobs #TheSolarDecade #energy #infrastructure #cleanenergyjobs #economy #equity #environment #Congress #Biden #cleanenergy #buildbackbetter
@PattyMurray @SenatorCantwell @RepDelBene @RepRickLarsen @HerreraBeutler @RepNewhouse @CathyMcMorris @RepDerekKilmer @RepJayapal @RepKimSchrier @RepAdamSmith @RepStricklandWA